#jnuc - Adobe in Enterprise
Why I chose this:
We have a couple users that require more than what is offered by various other software companies in terms of creative applications. Adobe is one of the large sponsors of the conference, so I thought I would see what they have to say.
What was covered:
Karl Gibson, Product Manager
The purpose is to communicate with IT personnel in order to get the word out as to changes in rollouts, etc. This allows IT folks to get a jump on what's coming - good, bad or ugly.
Creative Cloud Overview
- Download every app as soon as released
- Use on mobile devices and sync projects across platforms
- Deploy apps, services updates from central console - add/reassign seats.
- Two plans
Cloud Packager
- Create packages for you when you sign in based on your enrollment, download the packages for deployment
- Remote Updater - Casper can invoke the updater.
- Download, cache updates then install later
- Verbose logging - success, fails, why fail
New Installer Technology
- Optimized installer, still proprietary to Adobe (not flat installer nor industry standard)
Enterprise Dashboard
- Beefed up system because enterprise requires more robust requirements.
- SSO/Federated Identity
- User roles allow for different permissions in terms of rollout
- User Management SDK - directory in sync with dashboard
- Managed Services - behind firewall
- Document Cloud integrated as well
- Cloud Packager included
- Self-Service - Experimenting with running the apps with elevated privileges (if needed)
Identity Overview
- Adobe ID, Enterprise ID, Federated ID
- Different types based on requirements for various types of users.
- Can also use serialized deployment, eliminating need for usernames, etc.
There was a demo of the cloud mgmt console.
There was a Q&A session after demo.