Feb 27, 2014

Harry Dickens AppSmashing - #tie14 #tie2014

Harry Dickens AppSmashing - #tie14 #tie2014

Participants are divided into color groups. Those groups then attend assigned sessions on a rotation basis. My group was assigned to Harry Dickens' session, and thus these notes are taken from that session.

AppSmashing - Using multiple apps in conjunction with one another to complete a task.

Isometric - create a design, then shared it with camera roll.
Pxl - Create other designs and saved image
Photoshop Touch

Create app flows to create products. How do we accomplish tasks by combining apps?

Later - how do we create a formative assessment without it looking like a test?

My group decided to focus on a lesson in which students would be assigned a topic (or have several to choose from) and then break into groups to argue point/counter-point on the topic. Students would have to first formulate the guiding question within each group for the topic. Then, the end product is a video production. Using the concept of AppSmash, students are free to use whatever apps they need/want to accomplish their goal using certain criteria and parameters. For example, the video might have a certain length. They might have to include a certain amount of text, include images, etc. Or not. The teacher would have to determine what needed to be included in the formulation of the final assessment. May have to have X "for" and X "against."  The students, working with the teacher, could help generate that rubric.

Rubric could be created in Google Form, then data can be evaluated and saved!

This covers the FIRST PART of our session. I will create a new entry for the second part of our workshop, if needed.

BTW, here are the standards we cover:
CCSS Content Standards:w.7-12.1, whst.9-12.6, whst.9-12.8,
ISTE Standards Students:S1, S2, S3, S5, S6
ISTE Standards Teacher:T1, T2

Here is the ROUGH work-up of our thinking:
Claims and Counter-claims for their topic. Students will work in groups to research their selected topic. Topics are given by the teacher. Ex: Minimum Wage, Immigration. The topic can be assigned to the whole class or students may have a list to choose from.
Students must formulate debatable questions with opposing viewpoints. 
Students use different apps to produce a final product. Ex: video with back-and-forth discussion/debate to support the various viewpoints. Final product is a video, but students have freedom to choose the manner in which that video comes to fruition.
Students would be given a list of apps as a starting suggestions, but they would be free to use whatever apps they wanted.
App to record information from sources (notes, audio, etc).
Ex: Side-by-Side (linear notetaking), Dropbox, Camera, Photos App, XTraNormal, Slideshow App (ex: SnapGuide, Thinglink, ProShow Web Slideshow Creator), iMovie, PuppetPals, Popplet (Graphic Organizer), ScreenShots, Stop Motion Studio, other videos (YouTube, Vimeo, etc), Symbaloo (graphic online bookmark tool, teacher could set up links to the resources the students should use. Teacher could also use it to showcase the student end products - videos, blogs, etc)
Requirement: Students must list the apps they used to create their project as a way to share their creative process(es).
Students may need to use an app to create a slide of their information, take a screenshot of the information (pictures, content, etc) and incorporate that into their final product. Exs: Photosnack (upload photos, put into template, share it) and PicFlow uses pictures from Instagram for uniformity, ProShow Web Slideshow creator.

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