Why I chose this:
Interested in learning ways to help districts pull money in from places they may not have considered.
What I learned:
Education Technology Foundation
-- Give money back to the schools. Schools apply for awards specifically in instructional technology. The main purpose is to increase student achievement.
Generate and distribute funding to support technology programs that increase achievement.
Had to become official: articles of incorporation, by-laws, 501(3c) status as required. Available on the aesa website - take it and modify it. Need to check how a 501(3c) can be set up via co-op - not use state money, use locally-earned money (from districts using/paying for co-op services)
Advisory Board - Supts, Community/Business leader, cross-section of service area.
- Develop framework of the foundation
- Approve mission, vision, bylaws
- Develop standard operating procedures, funding applications and allocations
- Develop tactics to develop funding
- implement funding cycle (year one)
- Community awareness
- Identify board prospects
- Build the board
ESC Staff
- Complete legal process of entity formation
- Manage day-to-day operations
- Support work of the board members and future board
- E-Rate Consulting Services, separate entity so the ESC can file for E-Rate as its own entity.
- Discretionary Funds from ESC by cutting other jobs prior to this
- Individuals or teams involved in student instruction, must be employed by member districts
- Timeline: Nov/Dec call for apps, due end of Jan; Feb board scores apps; March grants get awarded for the program to start the following September.
- Grants awarded up to $5000 for teacher, groups up to $10000
- 7 grants awarded, $59,888 distributed. Avg grant $8555.
- Spend 2/3rds, keep 1/3rd
- 1783 students served, 125+ staff served
PR Pieces
- Told Supt, but not grant recipient. Surprise for the recipient
- Created big checks
- Local newspaper, online props
- Board Development
- Strategic Plan
- Adequate source of funding (vendor partnerships, etc)
- Approve budget
- Monitor stewardship
- Set policy
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