Jan 14, 2013

Drive-Time Tunes

I hit shuffle on my iPhone and let the music play on my way home from work. Here's what I heard:

Melt with You (Carls Stop the World remix)
DJ's Got Me Groovin (Girlio)
A Complicated Song (Weird Al)
Magic Carpet Ride (Crystal Method Remix)
Give Me Your Eyes (Brandon Heath)
Step Up 2 the Floor (my own AcidPlanet remix)
Come Together (Michael Jackson)
Soul Thing (Taylor Hicks)
Some Nights (fun)
Yeah Yeah (Willy Moon)

Jan 1, 2013

Looking Back, Looking Forward

On this day one year ago, I set a few goals:

  1. Post more here on my blog,
  2. Write a new novel,
  3. Enhance my existing novel and rerelease it,
  4. Cross at least one item off my bucket list.
Let's see how I did:

2011 - 80 posts, 2012 - 90 posts = Mission accomplished, I guess.

I do plan to post more on here and a few enhancements should help in that regard. For example, InstaGram is now on IFTTT, so I created a recipe to auto-gen posts from my pics. I am also working on a few other recipes to help auto-post plus I have my own lengthier posts to put on here which will help build content as well.

New novel: Yeah, that went nowhere. I still plan to write it, but too many false starts and dead ends left me frustrated and dejected about the whole thing. I am hoping to find renewed vigor for the novel in 2013.

Enhance "Summer Breaks:" Yeah, that didn't go anywhere either. Maybe 2013 will prove a better playing field for my words.

Bucket List: I was able to cross TWO things off the list in 2012 - Ride Washington Incline and See Indians Play in Cleveland.

So, I went 2/4. Batting .500 isn't too bad. But, now, where do we go from here?

On the "to do" list for 2013:
  • Post more in 2013 than in 2012
  • Start "Somewhere Main and Maple Meet" over from scratch; bonus points for finishing it.
  • Add missing pieces to "Summer Breaks;" bonus points for republishing it.
  • Cross at least one item off my Bucket List
  • Perform a semi-anonymous random act of kindness at least once a month; bonus points for doing it more than that. semi-anonymous? That means I won't tell the people, but I may post about it here. I may not post about the acts, though. I wouldn't be doing these RAKs in order to brag or boast, so posting about them might seem that way. That is not my intention. Sometimes, though, performing a RAK may lead to personal insight and/or observation that I'd want to share.
I'm not setting unrealistic goals like "be less sarcastic" or "lose weight." I think knowing one's limitations and potential is key to successfully keeping one's "resolutions."

Happy New Year, Everyone!