Oct 22, 2010

Losing it

I remembered using my ATM card at walmart about a week ago.  I bought a candy bar, an all-purpose usb cable, and some batteries.  See how I remember it all? 

Fast forward to wednesday this week. I went to the tire shop where Nick works to get a new tire for shan's van.  When I went to pay, I had no card in my wallet.  Uh oh.  I searched the van. Nothing. I ran to the bank and got money to pay.  Back at home, I searched for it and came up empty.

On Thursday, I searched the Charger and came up with nothing.  I called the hotel in Conway and they had no record of it being found. Hmm.  Well, I called the bank and no one had used it since my trip to wally world.

I went to the bank and had a new card ordered, cancelling my current one.

When I got back home, the card was sitting at the foot of the bed, propped up on a little fold on the bedspread.  I had checked everywhere in the house.  Weird.

Well, at least I know it wasn't lost or being used...


  1. I once lost my passport. I found it ONE YEAR later. In a plastic bag in which we stored the tall guy's old fencing clothes (that had not been used for about ten years).
    I'm still puzzled about that one.

  2. haha, that is too funny, Cat!
