- big bang theory
- top cat
- jetsons
- h.r. pufnstuf
- banana splits
- beverly hills 90210
- ER
- chicago hope
- friends
- night court
- fish
- growing pains
- brady bunch
- family ties
- welcome back kotter
- wheel of fortune
- frasier
- cheers
- flintstones
- american idol
- desperate housewives
- gilligan's island
- hee haw
- beverly hillbillies
- all in the family
- the jeffersons
- happy days
- laverne and shirley
- mork and mindy
- courtship of eddie's father
- land of the lost
- three's company
- facts of life
- diff'rent strokes
- mash
- golden girls
- bosom buddies
- quantum leap
- cosby show
- seinfeld

Man, the list could actually go a whole lot longer than that, too. I didn't realize just how much TV I've watched so far in life! Wow.
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