Shan's Mom's birthday was Wednesday, so we did not watch Idol until Thursday night. We watched Wednesday's show first, so what you are reading is our reactions to what we saw. I have no idea who has made it through or not while writing this...
American Idol, Week 2
Jasmine Murray------N-------?-------Y-----
Matt Giraud---------N-------N-------N-----
Jeanine Vailes------?-------?-------?-----
Allison Iraheta-----?-------?-------Y-----
Kris Allen----------Y-------Y-------Y-----
Megan Joy Corkey----?-------N-------X-----
Matt Breitzke-------Y-------Y-------X-----
Jesse Langseth------N-------N-------N-----
Kai Kalama----------N-------?-------X-----
Mishavonna Henson---?-------?-------Y-----
Adam Lambert--------N-------N-------N-----

Running notes made during the show:
- Whoa, okay Jasmine was WAY better during auditions and Hollywood week. I don't think she did well at all. Shan likes her, so she gave her a question mark.
- Matt needs to do something other than breathe into the microphone. We didn't like him.
- Jeanine is the strongest so far, but I think she was too many affectations or whatever you call those add-ons to the end of nearly every phrase she sings. Kinda gets annoying.
- Oh bother. I cannot stand the Nick/Norman guy. This is a joke, right? If he makes it through, it'll be only because America is playing a cruel joke. He could have been a real contestant, but he is taking the place of someone who genuinely should have made it through.
- Allison is one weird child judging by the pre-song interview. Let's see how she does. She is singing Heart... Can you say karaoke? Once she started rockin, it wasn't too bad, I guess.
- Kris sings "Man in the Mirror." Why do these folks start with songs that are too low for them? Well, he's not bad, actually. I forgot he was from Arkansas! Shan and Emily changed their vote after he appeared in a local news commercial.
- Megan Seemed okay, but what is up with the flailing arms!? Her voice is all over the place. I don't think I can give her a "yes"...
- We liked Matt during the auditions and Hollywood week. I think he did a good job with this song. I don't know if he was better than Kris or not though...
- Jesse does "Bette Davis Eyes." Man, that is a huge song. And, man did she blow it. What's with the weird accent going on?
- Okay, let's see if Kai does any better. Well, if K-Tel were putting out an oldies remake CD, he could sing on it. But, really, no thanks.
- Misha sings "Drops of Jupiter!" Man, I hope she does well. I love this song. Well, I'm disappointed. I think she could have done better with it. I like her voice, but it's not enough to save her, I'm afraid.
- Emily doesn't like Adam because he looks goth. She said, "I can tell you right now, he's a no." This was said as he started singing. It's easy to understand why he can't get no....

And now, we've made our picks and so we watched the results show:
We are whipping through this pretty quickly because no one on this show jumped out as a clear winner. I will say that if Nick would have dropped the dumb Norman thing, he might have had a decent shot at top 12. Of course, he may still get there. As I type this, they are doing the intro song. Of course, there are always the wild cards... I will say I think the first group did their song much better than these folks.
Allison - Top 12 - Of the three, I can see her making it, and she was probably the strongest woman.
Jesse - Not Top 12 - Not a surprise from here.
Matt B - Not top 12 - That's a bum deal, but he was not the strongest guy up there.
Megan - Not Top 12 - she is a STRONG contender for a wild card.
Kris - Top 12 - Wahoo! The boy from Arkansas makes it through! And with a Mijac song to boot! Awesome.
Matt G - Not Top 12 - That is no surprise to me at all.
Jeanine - Not top 12 - Not surprising after the other performances.

Wow, Brooke White! I liked her last year... She's got that soft, raspy voice that reminds me of Stevie Nicks or Bonnie Tyler. I like her first single. i don't think it'll be a mega hit, but it's a nice change from a lot of what's being put on the air these days.
Mishavonna - Not Top 12 - Wrong song sends her home, I guess.
Kai - Not Top 12 - He's done. He is not a wild card contender.
Nick - Not top 12 - Well, praise the lord!
Adam - Top 12 - Really? Are you serious, folks? Man, he should not have been through...
Jasmine - Not Top 12 - Not surprised based on her performance.
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