I spent the last two days in Little Rock (and North Little Rock) participating in the TIE project that my education service center created. You can more info about it here: TIE Project. We learned about technology integration, project-based learning, how to use the Wii in the classroom, tying GPS units into social studies, blogging in education, and other things I can't even remember right now!

We had a GREAT time. Well, I suppose it is out of place to speak for everyone there, so I will say *I* had a great time! Lots of fun and fellowship. Oh, and did I mention? Each education service center in the state gets a WII!?! Yeap, that's right. We are charged with buying 3-4 additional ones to be used during summer inservice sessions where we teach teachers how to use the WII in literacy, phys ed, social studies, science, and more. Friggin Awesome!
Have you ever lost something only to realize you never lost it in the first place? Allow me to elaborate: After I got back from Phoenix, I realized I couldn't find my ATM card nor a couple of blank checks. NOT good. I had taken the blank checks with me to Phoenix because I was afraid that if I left them in the truck while I was gone, someone would break into the truck at the airport and get them. You know, I thought I would keep the checks SAFE. And then I lost them. I got home today and frantically started searching. Well, I found the checks. Whew! No ATM card, and I realized that I could not find a gift that I got for Shan while in Phoenix! Well, crap.
Again, frantically, I went through everything I brought back from the trip. No ATM, no gift. OY! Taking a breath, I got my wallet and started to empty EVERYTHING out of it. Wait, let me back up a sec. Last night, while in my hotel room, I thought I might have put the ATM card and the checks in my laptop bag, so I had emptied EVERYTHING out of the laptop bag but found nothing. On the bright side, my laptop bag is now cleaned out. I digress...

I grab the wallet and begin taking out card by card. And there it is. The ATM card. I had put it in my wallet backwards (why, I have no idea), so it looked like my health insurance card. Yeah, I'm kinda airheaded that way sometimes. Okay, found ATM, got the checks. But where was the blankety-blank gift!? Again, I tore through everything I had brought back. I cam very close to asking Shan if she had seen the item, when I realized that when I had unpacked after the trip, I put the gift in the box I used to hide all her gifts. DUH! Seriously, is my blond showing?
Hello David I had a great time the last two days also I can't wait until the Wii is used in the classroom!!!! Harry