I have never seen you with my own eyes, but only in pictures. I watched you on television and heard of your exploits on the radio. You were born of greatness and helped others live out their hopes and dreams - to help them achieve their own greatness. You held up a nation during the darkest hours, and withstood years of triumph and turmoil.
You've seen singers, performers, religious leaders, and other celebrities. But, your heart and soul was born of baseball. You've seen perfect games and series championships. You were there during incredible victories and heart-wrenching defeats.
Though I have never laid my eyes upon you in person, I grew up getting to know you through the stories passed along by those who knew you well. I have never seen the arches along the top of your crown, nor the monuments that have a special place inside your walls. I will never know the feel of the seats, the smell of the grass, or the sound of Bob Sheppard's voice over the loudspeakers.
But through all my years of watching and listening and learning, I have come to know you as best I could from a distance. You will be missed greatly as those who are sworn to uphold and protect you bring a new era to the place where you stand. You are an old friend that I never knew. You will not be forgotten. You will live always in the hearts and souls of baseball fans forever.
Goodbye, Yankee Stadium, my friend.

George Steinbrenner just has too much money. I wish he'd share with me