Heavy machinery? Forget that. I should not be allowed to operate the "Reply" button on a mailing list! What started out as a normal day quickly became a debate on global warming and human impact. My initial response brought a few agreeing replies and a lot of opposing views. My viewpoint is that humans have very little actual influence on things like global warming and the earth basically takes care of itself (hence ice ages, etc). As you can imagine, a LOT of people do hold that view, as many of my readers may not share that view. I will say that it was a very interesting discussion and it ended amiably enough... :-)

Some time ago, I contacted Hammerhead-Grafix about making bed stripes for my HEMI. After we talked back and forth a few times, he made some custom stripes for me. Yes, I mentioned these were supposed to be bed stripes (stripes that are placed vertically on the sides of the truck bed). Well, they came in about 25% bigger than I had expected. So, after taking a couple walks around the truck, inspiration struck (with some input from my son and Mom).
I had never placed anything remotely close to this size before, and there are a lot of flaws. But my Tyler put it all in perspective. When I mentioned the faults, he said, "You'll get over it." And, you know, he's right. I love my new hood stripe! Plus, I have an extra to boot. :-)

You'll never see it from the stands....
ReplyDeleteWhen Dean used to drive and then helped Pete with the race car, the sheet metal that was the "doors" would get bent pretty badly. They would take it off the car, put it on the lawn and walk on it to straighten it. Then rivet it back in place. It would be a bit bumpy and crinkly yet but then they would say "you'll never be able to see it from the stands".
You should have contacted your Aunt, who used to work at a Sign company, about some secret techniques to apply large vinyl decals to a surface and not get bubbles or wringkles........