At 8:00, the light bulb goes on above my head and I remember that I am supposed to TEACH A WORKSHOP today! Holy crap! Of course, I had been told last week about it, but did I read the Facilitator's Guide!? Nooooo, I forgot all about it! Luckily, I was just the 'helper' for this one, so I did a crash-course review and winged it... Normally, that's not a biggie, however this workshop was "Multiple Intelligences and Technology Integration." I know what technology is... The rest was lost on me, as I am not an educator, per se...
Good thing I dressed decently today... :-) Well, okay, most days i do, since it kind of our 'dress code.' Today was Black-n-Gold (er, yellow-gold) day for me! Black slacks, golden yellow polo shirt. Why am I telling you this? Why, it popped in my head, of course!
After the workshop, I got to play 'plumber' with the men's room toilet...
Brian and Carla gave the kids their birthdays presents early - way early - this year. Em got a new cheerleading outfit and Ty got a HUGE Hummer remote control truck that has engine sounds, lights, a horn, and even a 'chirp' button that puts the thing to 'sleep' until you push the button again to wake it up. It's very cool, and will be a nice addition to the 8-10 other remote control vehicles he's received over the years - most of them from his uncles, I might add....
Here's a couple pics:

I read a news story today about a girl who was learning how to drive... Her and her father were in the local High School parking lot... Evidently, she took a hard right turn, ran up over a sidewalk and decided that adding a drive-thru to the school would be a great idea. Can you say $50,000 worth of damage to the school!? And the SUV? How about $3500! Talk about an expensive driving lesson....
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