At work, we have new rules... Well, they aren't new so much as 'being enforced.' We (the Technology Dept) had to come up with a list of acceptable software that people can use, and refine our 'surfing' policy. I reviewed the policy several times at "blogging at lunch" was not on either list, so I'm going with the "no news is good news" policy on this one... :-)
I have officially entered all the cards in my Indians 3-ring binders for years 1970-2002 (the last year I had put them into binders). The total so far is just over 3800 cards. Technically, I should offer up a few disclaimers (which only serve to explain to myself why the number may not be where I think it should be):
- The total so far does NOT include cards for which no set exists in the database i am using (meaning I have to add the set in order to put the cards in it),
- The total does not include card that are in my "Autographs, Stickers, and Oddballs" folder,
- The total does not include cards that are in boxes and are otherwise scattered around the home-office (the scattered cards are much to the chagrin of my wife!),
- The total does not include cards that may be inadvertently stuck in my "duplicates" boxes (accidentally placed there because I *thought* they were duplicates, but may not actually *be* dupes...),
- And, finally, I keep buying cards, so the total will grow and grow (though at present I am trying to get a handle on how many cards I had *before* my latest card-buying spree).
You're probably wondering why I keep you updated on my baseball card collection... Well, okay, maybe you're not wondering... LOL... Who knows why... Look at this way - it gives you something to roll your eyes about when you stop over... :-)
I have been invited to join the State Technology Coordinators for dinner (that is Supper for my southern readers). I used to be a member of that group, so it will be fun to hang out and catch up on things, generally make a fool of myself, and my wife can smile - thankful she is not there to have to witness it all... :-) I'll let ya know how it goes....
I saw this and had to show you... Look very closely... It is a photo from a SPELLING-BEE CONTEST!!

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