Now, for the sharing part.... For the sake of posterity, or because I think I should share my self-inflicted baseline-burn with the world, I offer up the following picture (taken Friday night after a good cleaning):

Still more to post, but I'll do that later tonight... Mom is supposed to be released today! YAY! And Tyler has another game! Going to be a busy day around the old homestead.... Though, I think Shan gets the award for "sticking it out" for yesterday... Between trying to find the sports supply shop (which, it turns out, is located in the middle of a NURSERY! Who thinks, "Hey! I need a tree...and a helmet..."??), fighting the lawn mower, dealing with her limp-along husband, a four-year old, sewing patches on a baseball uniform, and many other things all in one day, she pulled it all together... As the songs says, "And I thought I was tough......"
More to come...
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