Coach Houston Nutt received a ton of flak over his $1000+ text messaging bill. He says the messages were to his friend and colleague, and his wife wrote a multi-page rant about the whole thing.... Guess we need to do our part to make sure no one forgets about Arkansas, huh?

Here's one for the record books, Afghan officials said they received a lot of phone calls from worried citizens... Worried about what? A virus that causes your nose and ears to bleed if you accept a cell phone call from a 'strange number...' Are people really this....naive?? Here's the story...
So, I rode with Shan's Supt today... We had a great time, lots of conversation, and nothing about Shan's job until the way home. I was assured that she is "this close" (holding her index and middle fingers about a centimeter apart) to inking a deal that would get Shan out of the Special Ed classroom.... Guess we'll see, huh?
During the ride, Mrs. Deon told me a tale of her early days in Arkansas. Turns out her husband decided to get some cows. One day, he was out, and Mrs. Deon was dressed up, ready to head for school (she was not the supt at this point, this was at another school). She saw the cows got out of the fence. Not having a clue what to do, she looked around and spotted Mr. Deon's pickup truck with a bale of hay in the bed. She started the truck, drove down the driveway, turned around and led the cows back into the pasture. She had seen her husband dump the hay many times, but never actually asked HOW it was done... Using her powers of deduction, she slammed on the brakes. Rather than having the hay fall out the back, the hay rolled FORWARD, spilling over the roof, the hood, etc... Not quite sure what to do next, she thought for a moment.... Then, she realized the goofy cows were eating the hay right out of the truck! Problem solved! She left the truck right where it was, locked the gate and went to work! :-)
And, because I'm in a weird mood, here is yet another "Here's Your Sign" moment... Apparently, two people looking to buy drugs misdialed a pager number... They dialed 911... Good place to call when looking to score some blow.... You just have to read it to believe it....
Did you hear that Miss Mexico had to retire her DRESS? Why? Too violent... Yes, you read that correctly... Too violent... Evidently, it is bad taste to wear a dress with a bullet-laden belt and depicting hanging scenes from the Roman Catholic uprising in Mexico.... Whodathunkit?
I heard on the radio that a mother smacked her daughter because she lost a soccer game or couldn't recite some rules or something. When the daughter told her mother to pull over and let her out, the mother complied, leaving her daughter stranded on the side of the INTERSTATE... DUH... Another teammate saw the girl and pick her up.. The radio said the mother was being charged with negligence.... cane we add stupidity and bad-parenting? Just wondering....
FINALLY, Sanjie is going home. I admit, for a brief moment, I was sad. Remember, this kid is only 17 years old.... Okay, that's enough. He is OUTTA here... Practice, get some lessons, whatever.... Other very talented folks were sacrificed because of the hoopla to keep Sanjaya around... Of course, votefortheworst will now shift their focus to another contestant so they can say "See, we told you so-and-so sucked..."
More and more information pours out about Cho and just how sick he was... It does amaze me, now after we keep seeing so many additional records/reports/etc just how this kid slipped through the cracks enough to cause such travesty.... I feel for his parents and family, but there is ZERO compassion for that wack-job from me....
Emily said she was glad the 'white girl' made it safe tonight... It is interesting to see how kids view the world.... If the need arises, we'll explain mulatto to her... I think it's important that she understands people are not just white or black or any other single color....
I have heard several different radio commentators suggest that Blake is bi or gay. Frankly, I don't care one way or the other. But, I do have a feeling it will become the topic of choice now that Sanjie is gone....
Stick a fork in me..... I'm done....
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