The Apprentice finally came back after a couple weeks of hiding out. I had seen previews, so I knew there was a double firing, but DAWG, whodathunk Derrick would get fired for being... well, stupid... Mr. Trump fired him because during the Board Room, Derrick said something about just being 'white trash' in relation to the folks that were at the Lexus event. Now, I understand what he was TRYING to say - that his economic background was not that of those who would be tooling around in Lexus cars. But, Mr. Trump took immediate offense to it, and there was no getting out of it for Derrick. Naturally, Jenn fought to let Derrick's departure be the only firing of the week, but Trump would have no part of that! :-) And, without even leaving the boardroom, he had her fired, too!
The worst part (to me) was how Randle (sp?) kept interrupting Mr. Trump. I'm all for speaking up when it's your turn, but to interrupt your BOSS!? Hello!! Shan said she kept expecting Mr. Trump to turn around and fire Randle... Now, THAT would have been awesome! :-) One can only dream...

Speaking of dreams, we've been watching "You're the One that I want" (Grease audition show). It's getting better each week, though, like Idol, America had some very odd tastes in who'd they like to see as Danny and Sandy. What's different about this show is that the three judges pick among the lowest two Dannys and lowest two Sandys to stay... So, even though America votes, the judges still have a very heavy hand in who remains on the program. I'm sure when the show was being negotiated, David Ian said, "Look, I am sinking a ton of my OWN money into this production. there is no way I am going to let a simple vote decide this!" At first, I didn't like the format. But, it has grown on me over time...
So, yes, there it is in black and white - I am a "Grease" fan. I remember seeing it as a kid, singing and dancing to the album as a kid, the whole shebang. I still like to watch it now. Some movies tell a story that sticks with you. That's one of them.... For me anyway...
Daylight Savings Time changes this weekend, much to the chagrin of I.T. professionals everywhere... Frankly, I think we live in a day and age where we could abolish the silly thing altogether. There is less light during the winter. It's a fact. Get over it. Monitor and adjust, as they say in education.... So, anyway, remember to turn your clocks back... or forward... whatever... Watch the news, they'll tell you what to do. Me? I'm just the guy running the updates on a bunch of Windows XP machines... :-)
Even though Battlefield 1942 would not run on the Q1, Unreal Tournament 2004 runs fantastically! :-) I know, I know, this is a work computer... But, for the purposes of demonstrating its graphics and processing capabilities, I need to showcase all kinds of different software... right? Well, that's my story anyway... :-)
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