In India, a farmer was having his chickens eaten at night. In order to catch the culprit, he set up a little sting operation. Turns out, it wasn't the Jackal... It was one of the family calves... Yes, as in COW!I know it's hard to believe, so here's the scoop... Maybe he read a few too many of those "Eat Mor chikin" signs....
As it turns out, police in Hurst, TX, had to rope a bull that had found its way to a McDonald's drive-thru... I guess he figured if the Indian calf could eat chicken, he could have a burger.... :-)
I also read about a woman who had gotten lunch at Subway, went out to the cab she was taking, told the cabbie she forgot her cookie and went back into the store. Apparently, she pulled a gun and demanded money. When they didn't give it to her, she took a cookie instead... Hey, I just pass this stuff along to you, man.... I couldn't make it up if I wanted to....
DISCLAIMER: HERE BEGINS THE PICTURE PORTION OF THIS POST. It's a lot like, but not entirely the same as, one of those 'vacation slide shows' of yester-year.... If you continue past this point, don't say I didn't warn you....
This is that crazy bird that keeps attacking itself in my mirrors....

Here is a couple of pictures of a statue in Iraq near where my Dad is working... Notice the Benz in the one pic... :-)

Here is a picture of one of the roads... Check out the cement walls that surround just about everything there... Dad said this was the bus they have to catch in order to head to the PX for groceries, etc...

This is the door that leads to the 'office' where my Dad works... The sign reads, "NO LOCAL National Cell Phones Allowed." I'm pretty sure that means you CAN have 'national' cell phones (whatever that means) but not local ones. But, really, the whole thing is pretty confusing for this brain's popping... :-)

As you can see, they take the threat of attack very seriously. This is a "Duck-N-Cover," which is something akin to the "Kiss-N-Rides" they have in major cities over here (in U.S.). As you can see, they are common, as there is one further away in the shot, er uh, picture...

This picture was taken from the window of Dad's "hooch." If memory serves, he said the door across the way leads to where he works... Of course, he might have said it LOOKS LIKE the door to where he works... :-)

This is Dad and a guy he met (who happens to be from Gurdon, which is all of 15 minutes from Prescott) standing in front of a RHINO (personnel transport).

Here's a shot Dad got of an incoming chopper:

A picture of the (or one of the, maybe) observation tower for the area (airport?). BTW, DAD is the one leaning, not the tower... :-)

Oh, yeah, did you remember to change your clocks?
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