Dad sent us a picture of one of the hooches that was hit recently by Iraqi fire. Apparently the Iraqis were aiming for the palace and missed. So far as I have heard, one employee of KBR was killed in the attack. They are also under "Alert Level Black," which is the highest level, requiring serious security measures. Keep Dad and everyone over there in your prayers, please....

Have you heard that San Francisco may be offering only paper bags at the checkout? Evidently, there is some new ban on plastic bags in S.F... So far, it only affects grocery stores and drug stores, so all the.. umm.. alternative retail outlets can still offer plastic bags (guess the people who like to have sex with 'mature' blow-up dolls are safe....)
And, speaking of sex... A zoo in Thailand has hooked up a big-screen TV for their male panda... And, you guessed it, they are showing porno movies on it to get the guy 'in the mood.' Oh, wait, did I mention, these are... panda porno movies?? Yeah... I just want to know how much of the admission fees are being funneled to this 'project.' i can only hope the screen does not face in a direction where children could be ... well... exposed.. to the panda mating videos.... Seriously, though, I would love to know who and exactly HOW they came up with this idea... The night guard overhears a couple of zookeeps discussing the lack of mating behavior in the panda cages...he scratches his head, and says, "Ya know... you might wanna try some porn..." And, of course instead of smacking and/or firing the guy, they actually implement the idea.... Well, if it works, I'm sure whoever came up with the idea will be all over the news...
And, speaking of pandas, another zoo (this one in Beijing) is trying to turn panda droppings into paper... Look, I don't make this stuff up, I just pass (excuse the pun) it along to you... Seriously, Panda-Poop Paper could be out next year....
I realize that my weird stories today come from the same source, but when you hit a gold-mine, you just keep digging, ya know... :-) You can't say I didn't warn you, either... I mean, it says it all right there in the title....
Idol will be around a few more years. Simon has signed a 3 year contract. I hate Sanjaya. I hate Howard Stern for trying to prove this point.
ReplyDeletePanda porn. Gotta be better than human porn. Interesting fact: Did you know that wild turkies must have sex every day during mating season? If they do not, then they cannot have sex again in their life? Well, I don't know about life, but for the rest of that year anyway. And the sex isn't always with another turkey. Instead of Rosie Palm, do they have Rosie Claw? Know what I'm sayin?