Day late and a dollar short, we watched our DVR'd Nashville star today. I say David St. Whatever is going to take it all. It's funny how on these shows, the people I think sound great are the ones that the judges (whether on Star or Idol or whatever) say are pitchy or need more 'growth,' and the ones that sounds awful to me are the ones that the judges fawn over... Guess that just shows I'm in the right business, or rather I am not in the wrong one... :-)
Well, I finally took time to get some of the stuff we want to sell on ebay posted. I decided to group some of the videos we didn't sell, and we also have some Spider-Man toys, Power Rangers, and other stuff... I guess if they don't sell this time, we'll just donate them or something... Sometimes, one man's trash is everyone's trash... :-)
Have you heard about the American Idol karaoke game for playstation? It actually looks fun! I'm seriously considering getting it for the kids, and we have our own American Idol, especially when Greg and Michelle and their kiddos come over! LOL, now THAT would be a riot! Hmmm...
I was not aware that some school districts do not 'celebrate' Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day until I had a conversation with someone that works with a couple of schools that do not... Some schools celebrate President's Day or they take their 'holiday' as a winter break. I don't know why this struck me as odd, but it did... I guess I thought all schools were off for it, but that just shows to go ya that I tend to be kinda clueless about some things... :-)
I missed Friday's airing of Cowboy U, but that's okay, I'll catch a rerun! I love watching Cowboy U and so does Emily! I have a game on my computer called "Gun" which is a shooter-type game that is like Grand Theft Auto set in the old west. Anyway, Emily would play it, saying she wanted to play "Cowboy U!" Of course, she was only allowed to ride the horses and shoot the animals. No shooting people for her! Her favorite things was to try and shoot birds in the sky... In any case, I am very excited about this year's Cowboy U - it's in Colorado! I used to live there and love it!
Keep dry. Keep warm. Keep readin... :-)
Bring on the American Idol Karaoke! That would definitely give us something to laugh about for many years to come, I'm sure!!