I bought a 32-inch LCD a while ago, so we had to move the 26-inch "regular" TV out of the room. Right now, it's collecting dust, but I thought I would jump on "the Bay" and see if people actually sold USED television sets - or more accurately to see if anyone was BUYING used TV's... Well, my search turned up this hilarious post
from a very scorned woman. John and I howled...
Many of you know my distaste for Internet Explorer 7... One of my biggest complaints is (er, was) the fact that the address bar was at the top of the screen. I hate(d) that! Well, after some poking around, I found a site that offers up the registry fix for the problem!! By installing this registry entry, you can move the MENU bar to the top, where it should be! :-) (Please note, if you click on the link, you will be asked if you want to install/run the file. Only accept if you WANT to move your menu bar). In case you decide to move the bar back, you can use this registry file.
As it turns out, the site where I found this info has several other handy little doo-dads (that is a highly technical term, by the way...) you can feel free to read about and install, if you so choose....

The videotape sale mentioned in the post from the other day is going pretty well, I think! :-) I'm hoping to sell them all, of course, but the ones don't sell will be re-listed (possibly as 'sets')... My overall selling experience on eBay has not been a huge money-maker by any stretch, but sometimes we manage to do alright... :-) I'm sure I could do better at it if I took the time to research products, etc, but well, I'm not doing that at this stage of things... :-) Who knows what the future holds....

Ever wonder what the difference between Dell Dimension and Optiplex machines was? Well, you can find out for yourself... :-)
The fine folks at MVPS have a cool page that talks about the HOSTS file on your computer... You "can" use the HOSTS file to help block access to unwanted sites. This is a trick that was first discussed (in my world, anyway) during an email exchange with school techs around Arkansas. As it turns out, the list provided at MVPS is constantly updated and you can join their mailing list to be notified when new additions/changes are made. Neat stuff!
I got a message from Amazon today... My mTurk account has been "idle" for a while... LOL, yeah, that would be because I'm NOT USING IT! :-) As it turns out, I have about $.43 in my account... Yes, that reads forty-three cents... Yee-haw...
See? You never really know what is going to pop in my head....
OH, that reminds me... Check this out: A database of cover songs... And there is also Coverville, which sports a top 101 worst cover songs list... :-)
I am pretty sure there was something else rolling around in the space between my ears, but it must have fallen out on the floor when I wasn't looking....
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